Blade Runner, Coronavirus, & Loneliness

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Feelings of loneliness had been increasing in much of the Western world even before COVID-19. As our societies have become richer and more urbanized, community institutions and social trust have broken down. Several years ago, the United Kingdom released a cross-government strategy to address loneliness. The U.S Health and Human Services Department refers to loneliness as an “epidemic” in American society.

After listening to the latest Shoulder of Orion podcast episode, I started to think about this problem through the lens of Blade Runner, one of my favorite films. The original Blade Runner is one of the most poignant meditations about loneliness I’ve ever experienced. Rick Deckard technically is not alone for much of the film. He regularly communicates and interacts with other characters. Yet, he is emotionally disconnected from the rest of the world. He begins the film eating alone at a sushi bar. Gaff and the Los Angeles Police Department only want him because he’s useful for a job. He doesn’t have an emotionally fulfilled life.

Deckard had shut himself off from his emotions – probably a necessity for his line of work. He comes across as cold and dismissive. When Rachel confronts him about the results of the Voight-Kampff test, Deckard does not even try to comfort her – at this point, she is a job, not a person. Over the course of the film, Deckard reconnects with that human sense of empathy. He allows himself to be emotionally shaken by Zhora’s death. He learns to care for and love Rachel. He recognizes the humanity in Roy. By the end of the film, Deckard is no longer alone. He is not free from danger and runs away from his home  but he is with Rachel (the events of Blade Runner 2049 are another matter).

Continue reading “Blade Runner, Coronavirus, & Loneliness”

“Blade Runner 2049 and Philosophy”

As regular readers of this blog will know, Blade Runner and its sequel Blade Runner 2049 are two of my favorite science fiction films. I’m honored to have a chapter in the upcoming book Blade Runner 2049 and Philosophy. The chapter looks at replicants from the perspective of the political science literature on ethnic conflict. This was a fun project and led me to new insights into the film. The book goes on sale on August 20, 2019.


Mythgard Movie Club: Blade Runner 2049

Tonight, I’ll be joining the Mythgard Movie Club podcast to talk about Blade Runner 2049, one of my new favorite movies. Back in January, we had a roundtable discussion about Blade Runner (you can find it here), and even though I’ve read books about the original Blade Runner and listen to the Shoulder of Orion Blade Runner podcast, I still gained new insights and appreciation for that film. Looking forward to our discussion tonight. You can watch it live (here) or download the podcast episode here later this month.

“Blade Runner 2049”


Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic Blade Runner helped me understand humanity. The film is rightly lauded for its detailed world-building and hypnotic score, but it is also a philosophical treatise about human identity (seriously, Ridley Scott’s oeuvre has spawned a whole academic subfield). Humans unfortunately have a tendency to tribalism, defining some members of the species as sufficiently worthy of respect while excluding “Others” on the basis of race, gender, or religion. Blade Runner argues that the ability to feel empathy towards other forms of life is key to humanity. Indeed, in the world of 2019, bounty hunters use the Voight-Kampff machine to detect replicants (or androids) by measuring their empathy. Continue reading ““Blade Runner 2049””

“Tears in Rain” by Rosa Montero

Cover-LARGE11I bought Tears in Rain mostly because it was advertised as a spiritual successor to Blade Runner, one of my favorite movies. The book is not an actual sequel, but it touches upon many of the themes and issues raised in that movie. Of course, anything that claims to follow Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is going to set expectations very high. Remarkably, Rosa Montero succeeds. This was easily one of the best books I read in 2013. Continue reading ““Tears in Rain” by Rosa Montero”