“So Say We All: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar Galactica” by Edward Gross & Mark A. Altman


The original Battlestar Galactica brought groundbreaking effects to the small screen, while Ronald D. Moore’s reboot remains the gold standard for serious science fiction on television. Yet, while BSG has easily earned its place in the science fiction hall of fame, few books have documented the story behind the camera. In So Say We All, Mark Altman and Edward Gross attempt to do what they did with the Star Trek franchise and provide a complete oral history of the Battlestar Galactica franchise.

Continue reading ““So Say We All: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar Galactica” by Edward Gross & Mark A. Altman”

First Impressions of The Last Jedi through other Sci-Fi

the-last-jedi-theatrical-blogOne of my biggest critiques of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was that it relied too much on nostalgia. At times, it seemed like a soft reboot of A New Hope. Naturally, this led me to worry that Disney was too reluctant, too concerned with profits to take risks with the franchise. When promotional images for The Last Jedi included vehicles that looked suspiciously like AT-AT walkers, I worried that Director Rian Johnson’s new Star Wars film would again play it safe by retreading the plot of The Empire Strikes Back.

I was wrong. I am glad. Continue reading “First Impressions of The Last Jedi through other Sci-Fi”

EW on the 10th Anniversary of “Battlestar Galactica”

Entertainment Weekly has an article celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first proper episode of Ronald D. Moore’s Battlestar Galactica reboot. Simply titled “33,” this episode introduced the incredible drama, philosophical commentary, and storytelling that would mark the rest of the series. In this era of half-baked hollywood reboots and remakes, “33” also shows how a different artist can actually enrich upon the themes and story of an older work of art. Read the full article here if you’re feeling nostalgic for the show (warning: it contains spoilers). And if you haven’t yet watched BSG… what the frak are you waiting for?

“The Science of Battlestar Galactica” by Patrick di Justo and Kevin R. Grazier

In honor of Glen A. Larson’s recent passing on November 14, 2014, I am running several reviews about books related to Battlestar Galactica, his most famous and greatest creation.science-of-bsg

The Science of Battlestar Galactica is written by Kevin R. Grazier, science advisor for the Battlestar Galactica remake during the 2000s. This gives him a unique insight into both the science and the production of the show. Continue reading ““The Science of Battlestar Galactica” by Patrick di Justo and Kevin R. Grazier”

“The Theology of Battlestar Galactica” by Kevin J. Westmore

In honor of Glen A. Larson’s recent passing on November 14, 2014, I am running several reviews about books related to Battlestar Galactica, his most famous and greatest creation.battlestar

Battlestar Galactica clearly deals with issues of faith and religion. One of the most controversial twists in the BSG remake was that the Cylons believed in God. In later seasons, religious themes become more prominent as various cults come into conflict with each other. However, I admit that I didn’t quite appreciate the complexity of the show’s treatment of faith until reading Kevin J. Westmore’s The Theology of Battlestar Galactica.

Continue reading ““The Theology of Battlestar Galactica” by Kevin J. Westmore”