REVIEW: “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance”

MV5BNjVjODZmYWEtNjZhNC00MTdkLTgyMGYtNDBiODRmMzJkMDdjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg2NjQwMDQ@._V1_If anybody had told me five years ago that 2019’s hottest new fantasy show would be a spinoff of Jim Henson’s cult classic The Dark Crystal, I probably would have questioned their sanity. I’ve long had a fondness for the original film and even appeared as a guest on the Trial by Stone podcast. Nevertheless, Dark Crystal seemed destined to remain a niche fandom. The film came out the year I was born and wasn’t a particularly big box office hit. Moreover, the movie characters are all puppets; a fantasy epic without people doesn’t exactly scream marketability.

Fortunately, we live in a wonderful, bizarre world in which Netflix is prepared to give talented artists millions of dollars to bring their crazy visions to life. Continue reading “REVIEW: “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance””

Daredevil (Season 2)

12794707_1719825021587067_5890561489880274871_oSeason 2 of Daredevil was released on March 18 via Netflix. This review contains spoilers for the first few episodes of Season 2.

The first season of Marvel’s Daredevil explored what it means to be a hero in a world wracked by moral ambiguity. Matthew Murdock (a.k.a. Daredevil) wrestled with his conscience at least as often as he fought against crime lord Wilson Fisk’s cronies. Season 2 continues with this theme by pitting Daredevil against other vigilantes. This season introduces the Punisher and Elektra, superheroes who don’t share Matthew Murdock’s aversion to killing criminals. Continue reading “Daredevil (Season 2)”