Henry Clay: America’s Greatest Statesman

UnknownIn my high school history class, my teacher described Henry Clay as the most important American politician who never became president. In Henry Clay: America’s Greatest Statesman, Harlow Giles Unger’s new biography of Clay reminds us why. Clay was a central political figure in both the House of Representatives and the Senate during the first half of the 19th Even a cursory overview of U.S. history will mention his great compromises.

Unger does a decent job providing a short and accessible overview of Clay’s life. I particularly enjoyed the sections about Clay’s personal life. You don’t typically hear about the drinking and womanizing in high school textbooks. I was also saddened to learn Clay lost so many of his children so young.

Unfortunately, although I know what Henry Clay did, I still feel like I don’t really know what motivated the man. Yes, Clay wanted to save the Union, but why? What made that such a driving goal for Clay (and not for many of his contemporaries)? How did Clay develop his legendary skill for finding compromises? There’s always a risk of historians engaging in pseudo-psychology when trying to understand their subjects, but Unger went too far in the other direction. Perhaps the historical records simply wouldn’t allow such an examination, but at the least I would have appreciated some more analysis.

I can’t say I’ve read many biographies of Henry Clay, but David and Jeanne Heidler’s 2011 biography seems to me a more thorough examination of the man and his political legacy. Unger’s book might be better suited to readers who want more than a Wikipedia article but less than a 600 page tome.

[I received a free advance review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.]

“Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS” by Joby Warrick

51Z+J9RvZJL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_For most of my adult life, the United States has been at war against radical jihadist groups. On September 11, 2001, I remember watching as smoke rose from the Pentagon. Initially, our response seemed clear: wipe out Al-Qaeda. However, 14 years later, not only does Al-Qaeda remain at large (although Osama bin Laden is thankfully dead), but jihadism has engulfed entire states in the Middle East.

When the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) captured the Iraqi city of Mosul last June, it took many by surprise. This was Islamic radicalism, but not quite the same as Al-Qaeda. Whereas bin Laden had already become infamous before the 9/11 attacks, most Americans knew nothing about ISIS.

Continue reading ““Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS” by Joby Warrick”

“The President and the Apprentice” by Irwin F. Gellman

51FvQHtkpNL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_History is storytelling that relates to people, places, and events that actually existed at one point in time. Yet, history is still storytelling, so our understanding of history very much depends on who tells the story and why. This means that some stories we had once accepted as history turn out to be as fictional as Star Wars or The Hobbit as we learn more and hear new stories.

The Eisenhower administration (1953-1960) has had its share of stories and histories. After he left office, most historians and much of the public viewed Eisenhower as a kindly but ineffective president (when he wasn’t playing golf). In the early 1980s, Fred Greenstein’s The Hidden Hand Presidency rewrote the narrative by showing that Eisenhower took a very active role in government, but preferred to keep policy deliberations out of the public eye. Eisenhower plotted the downfall of Senator McCarthy and passed the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction, but deliberately downplayed or hid his involvement. Continue reading ““The President and the Apprentice” by Irwin F. Gellman”

“The Richest Man Who Ever Lived” by Greg Steinmetz

the-richest-man-who-ever-lived-9781451688559_hrI’ve always wondered why some historical figures attract so much attention from biographers, whereas others who had accomplished just as much languish in obscurity. Artists like Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 – 1564) have been the subject several exhaustive biographies and even feature films. Millions of tourists flock to the Vatican each year to view the Sistine Chapel. By contrast, Jacob Fugger (1459 – 1525), arguably the richest private individual who ever lived, remains unknown to all but the most dedicated history buffs. There has not been a major English-language biography about him in over 80 years. Continue reading ““The Richest Man Who Ever Lived” by Greg Steinmetz”

“The Man in the High Castle” TV show!

Wow, this one almost slipped by me. Amazon is releasing TV miniseries adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle. The book is essentially an alternate history of America during the 1960s had World War II ended with an Axis victory. It won the Hugo Award for “Best Novel” in 1963 and is widely considered PKD’s best novel. If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch it here right now!